Padley Gorge | February

I had the opportunity to have a couple of hours free one morning to have a wander around the beautiful Padley Gorge in Derbyshire. It’s a location I’ve only ever been to once before so the opportunity to visit even for a short time was too good to pass up.

Padley Gorge in Derbyshire

Sadly, there was not much in the way of atmosphere - I’d really like to get there one foggy morning, but even so the beauty and chaos of the area is something to behold.

Travelling light with just my small Fujifilm X-Pro2 and a couple of prime lenses left me cursing a bit, but once I’d got over my initial misgivings I ended up shooting with a simple 35mm (50mm FF equivalent) lens & to be honest, I’m pleased with some of the images I ended up with. For sure they are great sighters for a return trip!


Morning Glory in the Fog


To be by the sea